About Us

The Perfect Steak is all about giving you the skills, tools and techniques to become a master of the grill, confident to cook serve your very own signature steaks. If we’ve learnt anything from test cooking well over 1000 steaks it’s this; The Perfect Steak is personal. Everyone likes their steaks done differently and that is something we’ve come not only to respect but to build the whole Perfect Steak Company around.

We recently met a lady who was the daughter of a 3rd Generation butcher.  When asked her how she liked her steaks we nearly fell of our chairs when she said “burnt black”!  We were expecting her to say medium-rare because that is so on-trend at the moment but apparently not, and you know what, that’s a good thing.

Here at the Perfect Steak you can browse our FREE steak cooking videos and Grill Guides or pick up a copy of our latest book “Your Perfect Steak”. The specific goal of this book is to enhance your skills and broaden your knowledge of steak selection, preparation, and presentation. Cooking The Perfect Steak is something 99% of people will never master. By applying these techniques you are going to become a Rock St

ar of the grill, famous with your family and friends for serving the most delicious steaks they’ve ever eaten. By the way, we guarantee if you buy a copy of this book you’ll be able to out-cook your brother-in-law!

The Perfect Steak Company is proud to be an authorised distributor for some of the best brands in the world. Here

you’ll find products from ETI in England, Thermoworks in the USA, Dalstrong from Canada, Ironstone from Australia as well as Lava Tools, Shun and Furi. All these brands are backed by the original manufacturer’s warranty and The Perfect Steak Company is here to assist if you ever need help.

We hope you enjoy browsing our site and find the exact item or information you’re seeking. If we can be of any further assistance, don’t hesitate to ask us on our live chat, use our Ask Angus tab at the side of the page, use our regular email or just pick up the phone and give us a buzz. We’ll do our very best to be of service.


Happy Grilling

Andy & The Perfect Steak Team.